Summary "Uragirareta S Rank Boukensha no Ore wa, Aisuru Dorei no Kanojora to Tomoni Dorei dake no Harem Guild o Tsukuru" Manga Hentai

Egil, an S-rank adventurer who lives in hatred of "slaves", falls in love with a slave at a slave auction that he is forced to bring along. She is Eleanor, the former third princess of the Kingdom of Cornelia. Eleanor, Egil's slave, begs Egil to “kill my childhood friend who sold me to a slave trader”! !! Keep an eye out for slaves in heat if you get the chance! Can Egil rescue the bodies and minds of these beautiful slave girls and bring peace to this world…!

Chapter Uragirareta S Rank Boukensha no Ore wa, Aisuru Dorei no Kanojora to Tomoni Dorei dake no Harem Guild o Tsukuru